Table of Contents
Becoming a real estate agent might be one of your career switch plans, or you may have just graduated but have no idea what kind of career you want right now. Some may have stopped working for some time and decided to return to the working society but have no idea what they can work as, as well.
So, one question you may have in mind is whether a property agent career suits you.
A career in real estate might give you a fulfilling and prosperous career. However, it is no longer like before, when you could straightaway walk into any real estate agency, fill out the application form, and start your real estate career.
In this guide, “How to Become a Property Agent in Singapore,” I will share the steps you need to take to kick-start your real estate agent career!
- Adjust Your Mindset to Be An Entrepreneur.
- Check Your Eligibility For The Entry Criteria To Become Property Agent.
- Sign Up and Attend the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course, aka Property Agent Course.
- Register The Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Exam, aka Property Agent Exam.
- Register For The Real Estate Salesperson (RES) License – Kick Start Your Property Agent Career!
Adjust Your Mindset to Be an Entrepreneur
Firstly, a real estate agent is like running your own business. You are considered self-employed. All businesses will definitely involve some initial start-up costs.
In order to be a real estate agent, there is an initial start-up cost as well. You also need to go through the RES course and pass the RES exam before you can embark on your career as a real estate agent.
Pass the RES Exam? “Not to worry. It is not as scary. Study hard and you will pass.”

Check Your Eligibility For The Entry Criteria to Become Property Agent
Before proceeding to the next step, you need to check if you fulfilled the entry criteria to become a property agent.
Here is the entry criteria checklist that you can check.
- Age
You must be at least 21 years old. - Citizenship
You must be a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) for at least 10 years.
- Age
Suppose you are an SPR who does not fulfill the 10-year criteria. In that case, you need to submit either the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) from your country of origin or supporting documents that prove you have lived in Singapore for at least 10 years.
Suppose you are a foreigner keen to join Singapore’s real estate industry. In that case, you need to go through your estate agent to seek CEA preliminary registration eligibility assessment and submit the necessary supporting documents, such as an employment contract or work pass.
- Education Level
You must have a minimum of 4 GCE ‘O’ level passes or equivalent. Other equivalent qualifications accepted include:
- Education Level
- GCE-A Level (min 4 passes)
- Higher NITEC
- Diploma from local Polytechnics (SP, NP, NYP, TP, RP)
- Degree from local Universities (NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SUSS and SIT)
Don’t worry if you don’t have a minimum of 4 GCE ‘O’ level passes or other equivalent qualifications. You may proceed to take the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN) level 5 and above assessment, which includes Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Numeracy.
You may find out more about the WPLN assessment and register with the British Council.
If you hold other qualifications from overseas or private diplomas, etc., you can also submit them for CEA assessment through the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) course Approved Course Providers (ACP).
- Fulfil CEA Fit and Proper Criteria Under the Estate Agents Act
You must be deemed fit and proper to be a real estate agent under the Estate Agents Act before you are allowed to register for the Real Estate Salespersons (RES) license.
- Fulfil CEA Fit and Proper Criteria Under the Estate Agents Act
So, what is considered fit and proper?
- You have not been convicted of an offense involving fraud or dishonesty or any other offense under the Estate Agents Act.
- You have not had any judgment entered against you in civil proceedings that involve fraud, dishonesty, or breach of fiduciary duties.
- You are not undischarged bankrupt or have made a composition or arrangement with your creditors.
If you fulfilled the entry criteria checklist, you are ready to proceed to the next step—Signing up for and attending the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course!
Attend the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course, aka Property Agent Course
From 2010, the Council of Estate Agencies (CEA) has instituted that all RES or property agents need to undergo rigorous courses and pass all the exams before they are qualified to be a RES or property agent.
It is vital as it helps all aspiring property agents to be, to learn, and understand the policies and regulations governing estate agency work. It also aims to ensure higher levels of professionalism and proficiency in the Singapore real estate industry.
The course content covers a wide range of topics and segments relating to real estate, and to be frank; it can be boring and difficult for those who are not academically endowed.
But not to worry, there is always someone to turn to when one encounters difficulty—that why I am here writing this to give you a head start.
Let’s take a look at the property agent course, also known as the real estate salesperson (RES) course, its syllabus, and the RES exam. In addition, I will also share the recommended approved course providers for the RES course in Singapore.
RES Course Syllabus
Paper 1:
- Competency Unit (CU) 1: Real Estate Agency Industry Overview & Basic Land Law Concepts
- Competency Unit (CU) 2: Dealings with Interests in Land
Paper 2:
- Competency Unit (CU) 3: Regulation of Real Estate Agency Industry & Real Estate Marketing.
- Competency Unit (CU) 4: Property Transactions.
Below is the breakdown of each competency unit topics that you you need to understand. However, policy changes that was announced or implemented within 1 months before the RES exam will not be tested.

You might want to read more on RES Exam Revision
RES Course Fee or Property Agent Course Fee
The RES course fee is between $700 – $800 depending on which course provider you sign up.
The subsidy that you can use:
- For NTUC member, you may apply to use the $250 UTAP subsidy for the RES course.
- If you are Singaporean or Permanent Residents, you may utilize your SkillsFuture credit of up to $500 for the RES course.
List of Recommended CEA Approval RES Course Providers for 2025

There are many RES course training centers available in Singapore. In case you are not sure where to find the RES course providers, this compiled list might be helpful to you as I have heard good reviews from newly joined real estate property agents who have joined us.
These RES course providers have different training schedules to cater to busy working adults or parents such as specific weekday night classes, express classes, weekend-only classes, or Saturday classes only, etc.
Recommended property agent (RES) course providers in different areas that you preferred:
- Central Area – Hastor Property Services / Real Centre Network / BenchMark RealPro / Institute of Estate Agents (IEA)
- Western Area – Pioneer Training & Consultancy / Real Centre Network
- Eastern Area – Real Centre Network / Singapore Estate Agents Association (SEAA)
Recommended property agent (RES) course providers contact:
Hastor Property Services Pte Ltd
Tel No: 88561000
Tel No: 88569000
Email: [email protected]
Office: 3 Bishan Place #06-01, CPF Bishan Building Singapore 579838
BenchMark RealPro Pte Ltd
Tel: 67355860
Tel: 67355861
Email: [email protected]
Venue: 151 Chin Swee Road #03-31 Manhattan House Singapore 169876.
Institute of Estate Agents
Tel No: 63231770
Email: [email protected]
Venue: 6 Raffles Boulevard Marina Square @ JustGo #03-308 Singapore 039594
Pioneer Training & Consultancy Pte Ltd
Tel No: 64626093
Tel No: 94243483
Email: [email protected]
Venue: Blk 134 Jurong Gateway Road #03-309P Singapore 600134
Life Mastery Academy Pte Ltd
Tel No: 62556091
Tel No: 62556083
Email: [email protected]
Venue: Blk 190 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh @02-510 Singapore 310190
Real Centre Network Pte Ltd
Tel No: 65113009
Email: [email protected]
Venue: 490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #09-16 HDB Hub Biz 3 Singapore 310490
*Update: RCN now has branches in Tampines and Jurong too.
Realty International Associates Pte Ltd
Tel No: 63396000
Email: [email protected]
Venue: 490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #03-13 HDB Hub Biz 3 Singapore 310490
Singapore Estate Agents Association
Tel No: 67021602
Email: [email protected]
Venue: 47 Beach Road, #07-01, Kheng Chiu Building, Singapore 189683
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Tel No: 64630596
Venue: 535 Clementi Road Blk 50 #01-01 Singapore 599489
For more information, you may visit for more information.
Register Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Exam, aka Property Agent Exam
Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Exam
You must complete the RES course with a minimum of 75% attendance record before you are eligible to receive the “Certificate of Completion for RES course” to register for the RES exam.
You need take two RES exam papers and pass both the paper before you are considered to have passed the RES exam. Please note that you must pass the RES exam within two years from the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion for RES course.
You may register for the RES examination at NTUC Learninghub, CEA’s appointed examination administrator.
RES Exams are conducted three times a year during Mar, Jun, and Oct. My advice is that it will be best to monitor for the RES exam registration opening 1 to 2 months before the scheduled RES exam date stated on the CEA website and register your interest asap on the scheduled date for stage 1 registration opening.
RES Exam Schedule 2025
The Exam formats are as following:
- Each Exam Paper (2 ½ Hours)
- Competency Part 1: Real estate agency industry overview and basic land law concepts
- Competency Part 2: Dealings with interests in land
- Competency Part 3: Regulation of real estate agency industry and real estate marketing
- Competency Part 4: Property transactions
- – Each Exam Paper (100 marks)
- Section A: 60 MCQs (1 mark each, Total 60 marks).
- Section B: 20 MCQs about 1 or 2 case studies (2 marks each, Total 40 marks).
Singapore Institute of Management Headquarters (SIM HQ) |
MARCH 2025 (Note: Must complete RES Course by 21 Jan 2025, Tue) | 15 MAR 2025, SAT 16 MAR 2025, SUN | RES PAPER 1 RES PAPER 2 | Stage 1 – FormSG Stage 2 – LHUB |
JUN 2025 (Note: Must complete RES Course by 18 May 2025, Sun) | 28 JUN 2025, SAT 29 JUN 2025, SUN | RES PAPER 1 RES PAPER 2 | Stage 1 – FormSG Stage 2 – LHUB |
OCT 2025 (Note: Must complete RES Course by 31 Aug 2025, Sun) | 11 OCT 2025, SAT 12 OCT 2025, SUN | RES PAPER 1 RES PAPER 2 | Stage 1 – FormSG Stage 2 – LHUB |
You may consider attending the RES Revision classes before attempting the RES exam. If you need some refresher or are keen to join for the revision class, you may connect with me for more details.
You might want to read more on RES Exam Revision
RES (Property Agent) Exam Fee
The RES exam cost fee is $512.30 inclusive GST for two papers.
Do note that if you failed the paper and need to retake the RES exam, the exam fee is $283.40 inclusive GST per exam paper.
If you are NTUC members, you may utilize the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) funding to offset part of the RES Exam fee as well. You may refer to the NTUC UTAP Funding website here for latest update and more information.
RES Exam Result
The exam administrator will notify you via email of your results within 4 – 6 weeks after you take the RES exam.
If you Failed The RES Exam, What next?
If didn’t managed to pass the RES exams, you are not alone. There are many aspiring RES tried multiple times before they passed the RES exam and eventually became a property agent later on. Thus don’t give up if you have the passion it real estate.
If you are unable to pass the paper within a two-year timeframe, you will need to retake the RES course and sit for the full RES Exam again (both exam papers 1 and 2).
NOTE: If you are confident that you should have passed the exams, an appeal can be submitted to NTUC Learninghub to review your exam paper at $87.20 inclusive GST (Review fee is non-refundable). The CEA’s appointed examination administrator will notify you of the examination results within five working days.
If You Passed RES Exam, What next?

What next! After you have passed the RES exams? How to become a real estate property agent?
If you passed both the RES Exam papers, Congratulation!!
Are you EXCITED to come onboard and strike for a greater career ahead?
My advice is to do so some research on which agency to join. If you haven’t, here are the top 4 real estate agencies at the moment in Singapore. Huttons Group, OrangeeTee & Tie, Huttons, Propnex, and ERA.
Get on your feet and meet up with some of the experienced real estate agents to understand the company’s support that you can expect for your real estate career. Good mentorship is also crucial. Get someone that you feel he/she can click with you, share, and guide you in your new career.
You will then need to proceed to the licensed real estate agency to register for your RES license before you can practice any real estate work. If you found a mentor, he/she will bring you and guide you on the registration.
Register For The Real Estate Salesperson (RES) License – Kick Start Your Property Agent Career!

1) Submit a RES license registration:
Visit the real estate agency that you wish to join. The mentor whom you met (if you have already consulted them) will be able to guide you with the registration.
2) RES License Registration fees are as following:
- RES Registration Fee: $50 + $230 = $280 (Annually payable to CEA)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance: $120
- Agency admin fees for ID Tag, name cards, Startup and Admin fees: Range between $300 and $500.
If you haven’t found a mentor to guide you, start looking for one. This is the step you need to do to become a real estate agent.
3) CEA Approval:
A. You should expect to receive approval notification from CEA within 4-6 weeks.
B. Once the real estate agency received approval notification from CEA, CONGRATULATIONS! You are one step closing to kickstart your exciting and rewarding real estate career!
C. Proceed to your agency HR and get your license tag and you are all good to kickstart your real estate career.
4) Meet up with your mentor:
A. If you have already found a mentor to guide you, meet up with him, and discuss what you can do to achieve a breakthrough in this exciting career.

Did this article help you?
Are you looking for real estate career mentorship to shorten your learning curve to achieve more?
Drop me a Whatsapp or Email if you would like to find out more or start your real estate career with our team or attend our next Real Estate Career Seminar!
Enjoy 100% RES joining fee subsidies for brand new agents. The limited slot is available NOW.

Darren Ong
HP: 93839588
Senior Associate District Director
Huttons Asia (Navis Group)
Darren is an experienced licensed real estate agent and team leader with over a decade of active involvement in Singapore real estate field of work with numerous top achiever awards. He is very approachable and down-to-earth in sharing his knowledge with his associates.
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